The ability to overcome

The ability to critically think

How we treat others & ourselves
The ability to overcome
The ability to critically think
How we treat others & ourselves
Raising Kids to be Brave, Smart and Kind is here! It has been eight years in the making, and we are excited to share it with you. Order for yourself or a friend… or multiple friends. We are happy to share!
At BSK, the definition of brave is more aptly described as the ability to overcome. How do you react to challenges in your life? How do you keep your chin up?
While there are many ways to define "smart", we focus on people's ability to think critically using their practical, creative and analytical brains. How do you keep your brain on?
If there is one singular value that trumps the rest, it is kindness. We talk about kindness as how you treat others and yourself. How do you keep your heart open?
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