About Us

What is Brave Smart Kind Exactly?

“Brave, smart, and kind” are the three most foundational values found in humans. We teach leaders and teams how to use courage, critical thought, and kindness to create a values-based culture that succeeds based on what YOU believe. We teach educators and parents how to raise kids with values on how to overcome, how to critically think, and how to treat others and yourself.

BSK all started out as a way for Founder, PJ Brady, to teach English to his daughters. He wanted to redefine the word, “beautiful”  to help them develop confidence. From an early age, he chose to teach them that beautiful meant three things; to be brave, to be smart, and to be kind.

As he shared these foundational core values, parents started to adopt them in homes, teachers adopted them in classrooms, leaders adopted them into teams.

Now our goal is to help create a braver, smarter kinder world. If you are interested in bringing The Brave Smart Kind Company into your organization, school, or home, contact us for in-person or online trainings and speaking engagements, contact us below.

Defining Brave, Smart and Kind.


At BSK, the definition of brave is more aptly described as the ability to overcome. How do you react to challenges in your life? How do you keep your chin up?

For The Brave Smart Kind Company, we are tired of living in a world where people continuously use fear to try to influence others. We are tired of the politics, of the media, of the marketing that makes people afraid to live. We are ready to be brave, to look the fear mongers in the eye and say enough. One of the key topics that we look at in our keynotes and workshops is fear and failure and how to overcome them.


While there are many ways to define "smart", we focus on people's ability to think critically using their practical, creative and analytical brains. How do you keep your brain on?

With current tech trends, we are seeing a lot of zombies in front of their phones, ipads and televisions. Technology has a wonderful place to connect and inform, and yet without the value of smart, it has become a place to hide and misinform. BSK can get you, your families and teams back into a mode of critical thought, healthy communication, and encouraging the pursuit of knowledge, understanding and ideas.


If there is one singular value that trumps the rest, it is kindness. We talk about kindness as how you treat others and yourself. How do you keep your heart open? ​

A lack of kindness is at the root of the majority of today's issues; bullying at school, cyber-bullying, family issues, loneliness, shame, racial divides, homophobia, religious wars... kindness has the power to solve them all. How do we do it though? How do we get people to be more kind? We start young and we don't let up. We have great programs that can bring a bit more kindness into your lives at home and at work.

Raising Kids to be Brave, Smart and Kind.

Parenting with purpose

Raising Kids to be Brave, Smart and Kind is here! It has been eight years in the making, and we are excited to share it with you. Order for yourself or a friend… or multiple friends. We are happy to share!


We are happy to share our story and help create a braver, smarter, kinder world. For any media interest, please find our media kit here.

Email us at howdy@bravesmartkind.com or call +1.202.607.5376